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Tuesday, May 11, 2021
Struktur Sosial
Apa itu struktur sosial? Strukrut sosial adalah suatu tatanan atau sistem sosial yg tercipta pada suatu rakyat eksklusif yg inheren pada kehidupan masyarkat tersebut.
Nah nanti pada strukrut sosial kita akan melihat interaksi timbal balik (aksi-reaksi) berdasarkan status dan kiprah kita pada masyarakat. Jadi struktur sosial itu bisa dikatakan sebagai pembagian terstruktur mengenai ke pada strata warga berdasarkan rendah ke tinggi (vertikal) berdasarkan status dan kiprah yg dimiliki seorang pada masyarakat.
Definisi Struktur Sosial menurut para pakar :
Selo Soemardjan dan Soelaiman Soemardi
Struktur sosial adalah holistik jalinan antara unsur-unsur sosial yang pokok, yaitu kaidah-kaidah sosial (kebiasaan-norma sosial), lembaga-lembaga sosial, kelompok-kelompok sosial, serta lapisan-lapisan sosial.
Soerjono Soekanto (Bapak Sosiologi Indonesia)
Struktur sosial merupakan jaringan berdasarkan unsur-unsur sosial utama, yang mencakup:
- Kelompok sosial,
- Kebudayaan,
- Lembaga sosial,
- Stratifikasi sosial,
- Kekuasaan dan wewenang.
Struktur sosial merupakan suatu tatanan sosial dalam kehidupan masyarakat yang adalah jaringan dari unsur-unsur sosial yang pokok.
D. Hendropuspito
Struktur sosial adalah skema penempatan nilai-nilai sosio-budaya & organ-organ masyarakat pada posisi yang dianggap sinkron, demi berfungsinya organisme masyarakat sebagai suatu holistik, dan demi kepentingan masing-masing bagian buat jangka ketika yang relatif
Struktur sosial dianggap sama dengan organisasi sosial yang mengacu pada hubungan-hubungan sosial yang lebih fundamental yang memberikan bentuk dasar pada masyarakat, yang memberikan batas-batas pada aksi-aksi yang mungkin dilakukan secara organisatoris.
George Simmel
Struktur sosial adalah perpaduan individu serta pola perilakunya.
George C. Homans
Struktur sosial merupakan hal yang memiliki interaksi erat dengan perilaku sosial dasar dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
William Kornblum
Struktur sosial adalah susunan yg bisa terjadi karena adanya pengulangan pola konduite undividu.
E.R. Lanch
Struktur sosial merupakan cita-cita mengenai distribusi kekuasaan di antara individu & kelompok sosial.
Peter M. Blau
- Intersected sosial structuce :Struktur sosial yang keanggotaannya bersifat menyilang
- Consolidated sosial structure : Struktur sosial yang setiap anggotanya tumpang tinggi paramenter ( tolak ukur ), dan mengakibatkan penguat identitas keanggotaan
Ciri-ciri Struktur Sosial :
- Struktur sosial mengacu pada hubungan sosial yang pokok, yang dapat memberikan bentuk pada masyarakat
- Struktur sosial mencakup semua hubungan sosial antara individu-individu pada saat tertentu
- Struktur sosial meliputi seluruh kebudayaan dalam masyarakat
- Struktur sosial merupakan realitas sosial yang bersifat statis dan memiliki kerangka yang membentuk suatu tatanan
- Struktur sosial merupakan tahapan perubahan dan perkembangan masyarakat yang mengandung dua pengertian.
- Pertama di dalam struktur sosial terdapat peranan yang bersifat empiris,
- kedua di dalam setiap perubahan dan perkembangan tersebut terdapat tahap perhentian.
Fungsi Struktur Sosial
MenurutMayor Polak ada 3 fungsi struktur sosial :
- Sebagai pengawas sosial, memungkinkan pencegahan pelanggaran atas norma dan nilai dan peraturan kelompok atau masyarakat
- Sabagai dasar untuk menanamkan disiplin sosial kepada invididu dan kelompok atau masyarakat
- Sebagai karakteristik yang khas dimiliki oleh masyarakat
Faktor pembentuk ketidaksamaan sosial
- Faktor geografis : Perbedaan mata pencaharian, tradisi, letak geografis, iklim, suhu, dll.
- Faktor etnis: perbedaan suku bangsa, warna kulit, rambut, dan warna bola mata
- Kemampuan / potensi diri
- Latar belakang sosial: ekonomi, sosial, politik, keturunan.
Dilihat dari sifatnya
- Struktur sosial kaku :Struktur sosial merupakan bentuk struktur sosial yang tidak bias diubah atau sekurang-kurangnya masyarakat mengalami kesulitan besar untuk melakukan perpindahan status/kedudukan
- Struktur sosial luwes: Struktur sosial yang setiap anggotanya bebas bergerak melakukan perubahan status atau kedudukannya
- Struktur sosial formal: Struktur sosial yang diakui oleh pihak berwenang, contoh lembaga pemerintahan tingkat kabupaten yang terdiri dari bupati, wakil bupati, sekwilda dsb.
- Struktur sosial informal: Struktur sosial yang nyata ada dan berfungsi tetapi tidak memiliki ketetapan hukum dan tidak diakui oleh pihak berwenang, contoh tokoh masyarakat yang disegani.
Dilihat menurut bukti diri anggota masyarakatnya
- Struktur sosial heterogen: struktur sosial yang ditandai oleh keragaman identitas anggota masyarakatnya
- Struktur sosial homogen: struktur sosial yang ditandai oleh keanggotaannya sama / sejenis
Dilihat dari ketidaksamaan sosial :
- Diferensiasi Sosial (Horizontal)
- Stratifikasi Sosial (Vertikal)
Perupa Waktu
Aku oleh perupa saat.
Membebaskan istilah menurut kabut kaku.
Berangkat berdasarkan seikat napas,
lalu pulang menjadi sekerat tanah.
Berjalan menantang menggunakan kaki telanjang.
Aku lapar, ingin memakan bulan yg menyelimuti nama-Mu.
Biar tak terdapat cahaya, agar berpesta beserta gulita.
Aku haus, ingin mengecap rasa sungai eden.
Memikat para pencari surga ,
saling sikut tak terhindar.
Malam ini aku kembali merayu.
Lalu lalang doa menyentuh lorong tiap-tiap yang berjiwa.
Lalu seluruh menjadi sempit, berujung menuju Sang Satu.
Lorong nirwana balik mendingin,
menanti Adam balik dari alam pengujian.
Aku ingin pulang dalam-Mu tanpa baju.
Kalau napas tinggal segenggam, jangan biarkan menggeram.
Kalau nyawa telah tidak tertambat, lantas seluruh sudah terlambat.
Aku ingin pulang dalam-Mu tanpa baju.
Karena aku , sang perupa saat
Monday, May 10, 2021
Menggiring Meninggalkan Islam Yang Harmoni
Harian Sejarah -Kalau kita melihat sekarang ini. Mungkin kita melihat serangkaian pengamanan yang sangat ekstra untuk mengawal sahabat-sahabat kita umat Nasrani yang sedang melaksanakan ibadah Natal mereka. Sebenarnya kenapa ini harus dilakukan ? Saya rasa ini ada yang salah, seolah-olah negara kita adalah negara komunis yang mengintervensi agama.
Padahal meskipun dalam catatan sejarah Indonesia, PKI pernah melangsungkan ?Perebutan kekuasaan?, tetapi Komunisme pada Indonesia tidak selaras dengan Komunisme di negara lain. Banyak dari bencana berdarah ganyang PKI yg kebanyakan adalah pengajar ngaji, ustad, santri, dan segala macam golongan. Mereka ikut PKI mungkin tergoda sang slogan Ideologi ? Sama homogen, sama bahagia ? Yang belum terwujud dalam Era Pemerintahan Presiden Soekarno.
Dan lagi pula saya berpendapat orang-orang yang mengisukan PKI secara berlebih-lebihan adalah orang BODOH, karena Komunisme ada karena kelaparan dan kemiskinan, sedangkan Indonesia merupakan surga yang menyediakan limpahan kebutuhan kita dan masyarakat kita sudah pintar dan bukan ikut segala macam intrik politik berdasarkan sodoran memuaskan perut (walaupun masih ada yang menyukai nasi bungkus).
Kembali aku tekankan, mengapa kita wajib takut merayakan hari raya penganut agama lain ? Kita adalah negeri yang dominan Islam. Dan sepanjang saya belajar sejarah dari Sekolah Menengah pertama (Sekolah Menengah pertama ya kan?). Saya selalu mendapatkan citra bahwa Islam merupakan agama yg toleran & memperjuangkan kemerdekaan bersama mitra-mitra saya Mu?Ahid (sebutan terhadap non muslim). Dan selama saya belajar sejarah sampai ketika ini aku mengenyam Pendidikan S1 Sejarah, aku selalu disuguhkan bahwa Islam merupakan rahmat bagi semesta alam, membawa kedamaian bagi pemeluknya, & mengasihi pada semua umat manusia.
Akan tetapi sekarang harus sadari! Bahwa ancaman Komunisme bukanlah satu-satunya ancaman bagi Ideologi kebangsaan kita, Dan isu PKI merupakan keliru satu cari golongan-golongan Islam Transaksional yang menginginkan Ideologi Khilafah pada bumi Nusantara untuk menggiring opini umat Islam Indonesia membenarkan tindaknnya dan secara laten menciptakan pola pikir umat Islam Indonesia menjadi radikal (yang tadinya rahmatan lil alamin).
Membuat pancingan merupakan cara yang mereka lakukan buat menggesekan kesatuan bangsa kita. Mereka menghina keimanan agama lain pada media sosial. Sehingga membuat pencitraan permusuhan antara Umat Islam & Golongan Mu?Ahid. Mereka membentuk opini buat membuat keretakan terhadap keutuhan bangsa kita dengan cara penghasutan dan mengajarkan kekerasan.
Bunuh!!! Bunuh!!! Bunuh!!! Bunuh!!! Bunuh!!!
Itu merupakan cara mereka buat memperngaruhi pemikiran golongan-golongan Islam kita yang bersatu dengan budaya lokal Indonesia yang luhur. Mereka membentuk sebuah eskplansi bahwa Islam tidak boleh bercampur menggunakan budaya, akan tetapi mereka mencampuradukan Islam kita dengan budaya kekerasan.
Kita sekarang wajib sadar. Bahwa kita dalah orang Indonesia yg beragama Islam, bukan orang Islam yg berada di Indonesia. Kita wajib memiliha opini-opini yg berkembang untuk menggiring kita melakukan perpecahan. Islam mengajarkan buat memberikan hidayah menggunakan lemah lembut. Islam menaruh kasih kepada seluruh orang. Karena Islam diturunkan untuh menjadi rahmat bagi semesta alam. Melindungi seluruh umat insan (baik islam juga Mu?Ahid).
Islam Indonesia mengajarkan :
? Kasih, Sayang, Memaafkan, Adil ?
Yang merupakan pencerminan berdasarkan nama-nama Allah yang baik, sedangakan
Sama sekali bukan penggambaran dari Umat Islam Indonesia, bahkan bukan gambaran dari Ajaran Islam yg aku pelajari sejak Sekolah Menengah pertama.
Sejarah yg saya pelajari sejak Sekolah Menengah pertama bukan mengajarkan buat mengatakan pahlawan itu kafir atau pahlwan itu tak pantas karena kafir. Tapi Sejarah mengajarkan saya bahwa kita berjuang buat Tanah Air menggunakan menanggalkan identitas primodial kita, agama kita bawa ke medan usaha buat memanjatkan doa kepada Allah. Kalau semenjak dulu kita mempermasalahkan kepercayaan dalam usaha kemerdekaan. Sudah kentara negara Indonesia pasca RIS akan tepercah.
Akan tetapi ? Kita tetap manunggal.
? Lantaran Agama merupakan cara kita mendekatkan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, Akan tetapi Rasa Nasionalisme merupakan cara kita mendekatkan pada Persatuan Bangsa, Ya Bangsa Indonesia ?
* Artikel ini adalah posting ulang, pertama kali saya posting pada Seword.Com
7 Key Elements of Dressing for Success
Although your choice of clothing might seem like a small factor in the larger scheme of your professional life, making a winning impression with your wardrobe is more important than you think. When we dress up it makes us feel good, and when we feel good, we are more confident and perform better.
Or, as Betty Harragan, the author of “Games Mother Never Taught You” tells us “If your clothes don’t convey the message that you are competent, able, ambitious, self-confident, reliable and authoritative, nothing you say or do will overcome the negative signals emanating from your apparel.”
If you are even the slightest bit ambitious, you’ll want your wardrobe to work positively in your favour and make you look impeccable. You’ve probably heard this piece of advice before, but how does someone follow it? Here are the 7 key elements that can help you dress for success and always look sharp.
1. Only Buy and Wear What Fits
Of all the style sins out there, wearing badly fitting clothes is probably the worst. Nothing can make or break your outfits like the fit. When it comes to looking good, it’s not your size or shape that matters, it’s the fit of your clothes.
It doesn’t matter how expensive an item is or how well it is made, if it doesn’t fit, it will never look good. And sadly, you won’t feel good in it, either.
It is easy to tell when something doesn’t fit properly. The buttons on your shirt are pulling, the sleeves are either too long or too short, the pants keep riding up. There is constriction or perhaps a sense of shapelessness. But above all, there is a feeling of all around discomfort.
Properly fitting clothes feel comfortable and drape over your body without stretching or billowing. They complement your silhouette and proportions and give your outfit a stylish edge.
Additionally, well-fitting clothes celebrate who you are, help lift your mood, set the emotional scene for success, and project confidence to others around you.
2. Learn the Marks of Quality
Wearing quality clothing is paramount to dressing for success.
Fortunately, there are several ways you can spot better quality clothing. The material clothing is made of, the workmanship, and the trims usually give a pretty good idea of the garment’s quality.
Quality clothes are often made with natural fibres like cotton, wool, and silk. Synthetic fabrics, such as nylon and polyester actually contain plastic. They look cheaper and feel rougher against the skin, too.
However, the quality of natural fabrics like cotton also varies. In order to figure out what grade of cotton something is made of is to see how it fares when held against the light. Fabric with a higher thread count will let less light through suggesting it is of better quality.
Additionally, quality fabrics feel smooth and soft to the touch and become even softer after being washed.
As for workmanship, look for loose threads and uneven seams that are tell-tale signs of low quality. On the other hand, closely stitched and reinforced buttonholes are signs of good workmanship. If there is a pattern, look at the seams of the garment to make sure that the pattern lines up.
Trims include all the little things that go into your garment such as buttons, zippers, or decorative embellishments. Inspect how well the buttons and zippers match with the main fabric. The addition of extra thread and a button is a sign of quality.
3. Invest in High-Quality, Well-Made Basics
A capsule wardrobe containing high-quality, well-made basics is a must for an elegant and classy look. These items stand the test of time because they never lose their appeal. If you have great basics like for instance a classic blazer, a few dress shirts and well-fitting pants to build on, you will always have something to wear when dressing for success.
When it comes to wardrobe basics, it is always worth to invest in quality because quality clothes actually look better and, by the laws of cost per wear theory, also last longer. Quality shows. Superior craftsmanship tends to exude sophistication and elevates every outfit every time.
Which basics to invest in depends on taste and personal preferences. For me, personally, having a nice collection of dress shirts is the key to creating signature looks that not only fit perfectly with each occasion, but are also fresh, polished and instantly recognizable.
Recommended article: Styleguide – 5 Stunning Women’s Business Shirts for Each Day of the Week
4. Wear Clothes You Find Comfortable
Looking elegant and feeling comfortable in your business outfits are not mutually exclusive. In fact, if you feel confined and restricted in your clothes it will negatively affect your day whereas feeling comfortable goes a long way toward feeling confident and put together.
Comfort is all about fit, sizing and fabric.
We all know that clothes that are too small or too tight aren’t comfortable. Neither are the baggy ones which swamp your silhouette and make you look bigger and older. Consequently, you should never compromise on fit and sizing.
When it comes to dressing immaculately and feeling comfortable, quality fabrics make all of the difference. If something feels rough to the touch it is not going to feel comfortable on your body. Or, if something wrinkles when you squeeze it, you cannot expect any better from it when you wear it.
Finding the perfect fits and fabrics is, of course, a process but it is one worth undertaking for the ultimate goal of feeling comfortable, happy with how you look and confident.
5. Keep Your Professional Wardrobe Classic
When dressing for success, follow the 70/30 rule. Or as Catherine Brock of Budget Fashionista put it:
“70 percent of your wardrobe should never go out of style. We’re talking classics like a dark pencil skirt, a black pair of pumps or a basic white button up that can be tucked into anything. The last 30 percent of your professional wardrobe can encompass some fun-try statement, but work appropriate jewlry, red pumps, or a trendy ruffled blouse.”
Trends come and go, but classic attire is everlasting. Wardrobe basics like the white shirt or navy blazer are a perfect contrast to exciting accessories and don’t make the outfit overloaded. They are ideal for creating everyday business outfits, which are elegant, refined and tasteful.
6. Accessorise
Accessories can help change up your looks and complete your outfits. It is recommendable to wear at least one accessory which can be anything from a beautiful watch, a necklace, a scarf or even a pair of earrings.
Accessories make the difference between a bland outfit and one that turns heads. They help set you apart and are the essence of true personal style. Additionally, they spark joy in your clothing and make your style more interesting.
7. Aim for Elegance
There’s a beautiful quote by Giorgio Armani: “Elegance is not about being noticed, it’s about being remembered.”
Looking elegant in your clothes takes a fine eye, understanding what works for you and knowledge of the best places to shop.
Also, aiming for elegance entails avoiding anything that can be described as “too”. Too short, too tight, too old, and too flashy are all styles to avoid.
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What is the difference between a list, a prospect and a lead ?
I get many calls from marketers looking for data. Many people use the terms list, prospect and lead interchangeably. But, that could not be further from the truth.
The term list is the broadest. There are lots of people on a cold list; all kinds of people. In the “old days of spray and pray”, advertisers mailed to everybody and hoped that some of their efforts would pay off. Well, not everyone on a cold list is your prospect. The truth is that marketing to non-prospects can actually weaken your brand’s impact. Not only that, it’s a tremendous waste of time and money.
In lead generation, the key is to take that cold list and narrow down the possibilities to create a workable list of solid prospects. These prospects can be used for direct mail, telemarketing, email, or digital advertising.
Lead Generation needs to be a daily exercise.
Recommended Article – Marketing to Death
In general, a prospect is a person whom you believe could be a potential customer.
Why might they be a potential customer?Do they resemble your current customers?Are you comparing demographics such as age, income, or homeownership data?Are you looking deeper at purchase triggers or lifestyle information to help massage the data into viable prospects for your business?Do they have the credit to afford your product?Are you using credible research or survey data to help shape your prospect universe?
Using Data to Define Your Prospect List
What kind of data can you use to help you define your prospects?
Many industry trade associations sponsor consumer opinion studies that their members can access. For example, the Water Quality Association produces a Consumer Opinion Study every two years. This gives their members credible survey data that pinpoints the top buying groups: New Homeowners, Families with Children, Homeowners with Credit, Homeowners with a focus on the environment.
Even though the research has shown that a high percentage of these groups are buyers of water treatment products, these prospects may not necessarily be keen on purchasing from you today. But they are still good prospects. By keeping them in your funnel and marketing to them more than once, you can increase the probability that they will purchase from you.
Or, you can model your own customers to see if you can clone them. Many prospect list providers will do this for you at no charge.
The cost for prospect data ranges from 5 cents per record to 25 cents per record, depending on complexity of the prospect name and quantity.
Recommended Article – 6 Commandments of Lead Generation
Once the prospect exhibits some kind of interest in your product, we can move them from prospect to lead. In this case, you have generated the lead yourself. We call this a self-generated lead. These leads are yours and yours alone. Your job is to work with them.
Self-Generated Leads
These are the best leads. A prospect has responded to your marketing outreach. They have filled out a form on your website, indicating that they want more information about your product.
Now that they have filled out the form on your website, you need to contact them right away. According to a study by Lead Connect, 78% of customers buy from the company that responds to their inquiry first. That means that time is of the essence when it comes to working with interested leads.
Hot Lead
Hubspot defines a hot lead as a qualified lead who is highly interested in your product. They are ready for direct contact asking for the sale.
According to Hubspot, a hot lead
Has expressed a level of interest in your product.Your product fulfills a needThey can afford or can authorize the purchase of your product.Has a clear timeline to purchase the product
You will want to give this to your best salesperson and have her close the sale right now.
Warm Lead
A warm lead is an individual who has expressed interest in your product or company. Right now, they may not have a sense of urgency or a specific timeline for their purchase. A warm lead is someone who is aware of your product and is interested in buying from you. They just may not be looking to buy right now.
A warm lead is definitely someone you want to keep at the top of your pipeline. These are leads you want to nurture. After all, you’ve already done so much work getting them to this point.
There are some tried and true methods for working warm leads. You may want to offer them a product demo or show them customer success stories. Consider personalized emails, remarketing, and sharing content that shows how you provide value to them.
And, since they’ve been having a hard time pushing that “buy” button, you might consider a special short-term offer to help close the sale.
Recommended Article – Create the Perfect Offer
A Comment About Buying Leads
If I had a dollar for every prospect who called my office looking for exclusive Hot Leads, I’d be rich. Chances are that if a company generated a list of people who want to buy a new roof, had the money in hand, and wanted to buy that new roof today, they would be working it themselves.
For those leads that don’t pan out, lead generators may sell the cast-offs to other companies as “aged leads”.
For some businesses, these aged leads can be a good source of new prospect data. But remember, you will have to work with them from the beginning since they are not familiar with your company or what you do.
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