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Showing posts with label Parenting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Parenting. Show all posts

Friday, March 2, 2012

Theories Regarding Single Parenting

Theories regarding single parenting depends upon the the beliefs and ideals of a person. Some people base their concept or theories on experiences of single parents. Some of them base it on analytical thinking.

There are theories regarding single parenting that is said to be irritating to the ears of single parent especially if it affects the morality of a person as a Christian. Nevertheless, if we will listen to the person sharing his theories regarding single parenting, you can pick up a little knowledge that you can share to others.

There are theories regarding single parenting that sometimes caused a debate like theories regarding single parents punishing their children every time they did something wrong. Others agree on this concept while others do not.

For those who agree that this theory regarding single parenting is right, say that to be able to create fine men and women, punishment is needed. It lessens their mistakes in life. If not punished, they will do the same mistakes their single parents have done. On the contrary, people who disagreed in this theory regarding single parenting, they believe that punishment will only make children become fearful, non-cooperative, and dependent to others.

Theories regarding single parenting may vary according to the beliefs, customs and tradition revolving around the community. Unknowingly, people produced theories according to their experience and pass it out to next generations.

Handling your children should not base on any concept or theories regarding single parenting. Nurturing, caring, loving is enough for a child to understand what you feel for him.

Don't let any theories regarding single parenting manipulate your lives. Better make it a guide but not necessarily follow all those concepts. Learn to pick only the beneficial ones. Learn from the lessons of the theories regarding single parenting.

Theories regarding single parenting sprouted like a mushroom through the years because of the great need of single parents to mold their children with good attitude.

There are theories regarding single parenting that deals on educating single parents to teach their children on how to strengthen the faith to God. It is very important to strengthen the faith of every child especially children of single parents because it can be their weapon in every struggles in life.

Theories regarding single parenting that are the topics of debates must be analyzed with balanced judgment. Single parents must have a wide knowledge to be able to sort capture only all the good lessons from bad.

Theories of single parenting existed many years ago. Even in history books, we read about it. The topic of before still remains the topic of today.

Theories on single parenting differ according to the needs of single parent. Single parenting which has resulted from divorce must understand theories on single parenting that are appropriate for them. They should learn how to cope on their situation. They must also learn to avoid bad comments pertaining to the other parent of the child.

Single parents should learn to settle amicably the differences between the other parents of the child. Single parents must also learn the right time of dating again on opposite gender. Theories regarding single parenting might help them.

Theories regarding single parenting on rebellious stage of children should be deal with maturely. Children who are product of a divorce or separation usually becomes rebellious especially on adolescence age.

Rebellious child are sensitive in nature. Single parents must understand their needs. Rebellious child might need more attention and care. They sometimes need something but got difficulty achieving it.

Theories on single parenting have the purpose of educating parents to become a role model to their children. Single parents made a mistake in the past but it does not mean they are bad parents. Becoming a role model to children will inspired children to finish their study become professional on their chosen career in the someday.

Single parents should be careful on theories regarding single parenting that they will use on their child for on these theories regarding single parenting depend the future of their children. Single parents should never stop on learning for the sake of their child. Single parents should give extra nurturing and caring to their children for children of single parents have the special needs of love and care.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

How to Manage Stress and Single Parenting

Being a single parent is not easy. It is like doing two jobs in one sitting. Single parenting requires you to be an understanding mother or a tough and a providing father all at the same time. Stress and single parenting, therefore, works together, giving single mom and dad a terrible headache every single day.

Stress and single parenting are the usual topics in self-help books in parenting. Psychologists believe that raising children and even just a child is a very stressful task that requires ample management of emotional, behavioral and spiritual aspect of a single parent. Without the proper guide from self-help books, counsellors, group therapy, a single parent will deteriorate emotionally due to stress.

So how could you manage stress and single parenting? Psychologists say that in order for a parent to manage both stress and single parenting, he or she should enumerate things that brings him or her the stressors.

The universal stressors in single parenting for a female parent is how she could manage her household while she works her way to earn a living for 8 to 9 hours during the day. Self-help books on how to manage stress and single parenting gives single moms a good advice.

Firstly, if their job requires them to be out of the house in the usual office hours, she could hire a nanny during those times that she is away. But if she wants to have a quality time with her child or children, it would be for the best if she would leave her day job and establish a work from home business or job.

The internet isn't there to merely entertain us. In fact, billions of dollars worth of business deals have been transacted through the internet. Of course, this isn't just on sales transactions -- sales on goods sold such as in Amazon or Ebay -- but also those transactions that pay off a service using Paypal or other online payment mode.

Yes, believe it or don't, many people, single parent or not, who earn a living through the internet not for selling goods but for offering and selling a service.

If you are a fast typist, you can offer typing services through 'telecommuting.' It is a secretarial job that doesn't require a single parent to be 'on-site' or at the place where the office is located.

Some employers, especially those who are always on the go, hire 'virtual assistant' to help them with clerical or typing or secretarial jobs. Employers simply email the typing or research job to their virtual assistant with the instructions on how to do it and when to submit it, and the virtual assistant shall submit to the employer the typing and research job at the time the employer has specified.

The virtual assistant will be paid online via Paypal or Online Checks, every 15th and 30th of the month, or as agreed by both parties.

This way you can manage both stress and single parenting. Even if your two children are howling at each other, you can pacify them while you are waiting for the next job that your virtual boss will give you. Working online or telecommuting is one of the best ways that you can manage stress and single parenting.

As for single dads, the problem that they usually face is how to keep in-tune with his child or children's feelings and emotional needs. This is the most usual cause of stress with a male doing the single parenting.

Of course, unlike a single mom, not all single dads want to work at home. They feel that this is not a very manly job. To psychologists, however, single dads doesn't have that much liberty to think this way.

Single parenting is totally different to regular parenting (a household with a mother and a father). A single parent must adjust to the usual activities expected of a 'regular' parent. So, a single dad must accept the fact that he can't be just like 'any other dad' and work his bottom from sunrise till night.

A single dad needs to be at the side of his children, like a mother. If he can't accept this fact, he cannot possibly manage stress and single parenting.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

In single parenting: Some truths about single parenting

Global way of life has changed significantly over the last twenty-five years. It affects various aspects of our lifestyle - from the general way think education, finances, child and healthcare, even the manner we manage our families. This rapid change has the type, how we live our lives, including education, marked.

Single parent is defined as a parent (whether the woman or the man) the role of the maintenance of the nuclear family, because of death, divorce, separation or personal choice to do.

This type of education is an additional arm of traditional nuclear and extended family types that we have learned since childhood. Nuclear families consist of two parents and children who live in the same House.

Consists of two parents of large families, on the other hand, have children and aunts, uncles or grandparents in the same House. The number of single parent families in the United States have doubled since the 1980s.

Parent or guardian are the three main reasons for single: death of a spouse, divorce, and personal choice (unmarried minor mothers, choice of raising a family without partners, etc.). These causes have significant implications for the family way of life and emotionally require significant adjustments for the whole family. Feelings of anger, guilt and despair are typical for the spouse who is left behind.

Grief is that most of the individual links behind felt feeling. This can lead to depression, to lose control over their own lives. More adverse effects of sorrow leads to drug and alcohol addiction and even to death.

Studies have defined the 5 steps of grief:

(1) Denial - this level includes feelings of guilt and rejection. The usual response to this stage are feeling, "he is way easy and come back".

2 Anger – this level includes extreme anger against the person, the links, or died.

(3) Negotiations - this level includes to negotiate if the partner has died, or with a partner with God on negotiations in terms of change, what went wrong in the relationship.

4) Depression – this level includes close to recognizing the situation will not change. This is where begins the confirmation of what happen.

(5) Acceptance - is this phase, the recognition and acceptance of mourning and let go of the feelings of despair.

The effects of single parenting are typically not only by the spouse left behind, but for the whole family, especially children feel. Studies have shown that children feel is cheated, taken from disadvantaged and felt inadequate due to a parent separations have me.

To combat the pain of the single parent, the following tips have been proposed:

(1) Means maximizing all resources to the family care responsibilities - as a single parent. This means for all possible to solve creative solutions to a problem. No time others you should the blame for what happens is, but look instead for ways to tackle the problem.

An example is looking for alternative ways to transport for a child who for first day of school. Instead of screaming and moaning, should parents alternatives - looking for related, look to drop off the child to school the off that drop can child or work around the parent schedule.

(2) Successful a-parent families have family as first choice - her family as top priority. Means not Negotiables determine this and balancing commitments. Single parents without changing career decisions for the family in General.

(3) Communication - the parent and the child must open communication between the two of them, to know what the wishes and needs to meet each other, and these the wants and needs. Communication is the key to an open relationship. Clear lines of communication to promote an open relationship between parent and child.

(4) Cares - not is the parent control of his life, he might not control over / her child life. You should worry themselves physically, emotionally and spiritually. Takes a positive environment of hope and of love in the family guaranteed.

(5) Creation of you routine routines before the divorce or death should be kept, because this is only anchor the child, things have not dramatically changed. Walking tours of the Park, bed times read stories or the usual Christmas dinner should be continued even after the death of or divorce.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Effects of single parenting on a child

Today's generation and more people are exempt. And because of this, a lot of things are on today because that was never previously heard. Take for example the concept of being a single parent. Single-parent families scattered all over the world, so that we do not say that it is because the culture or economic status. Rich or poor, many single are there out there.

Is its a single parent so bad? Some would say that they prefer to a single parent. Some would say that a mother and a father is still appropriate for a child. Some experts have pointed out some bad features children with single parents.

They say that a single parent has certain effects on a child.

Of course, some effects are good, but some are also bad. Many single are to do with their children themselves, it is important to discuss that you notice and some good and bad effects of solo parenting.

Let us start from the good effects as a single parent. As the effect of being a single parent are you very close to your child or children. You are the only one, which look to be, and you will have their undivided and unconditional love. They are also the only authority that they will look up to.

They are in the location, all their respect and love, making it easy for you to rules and also for them to follow. In the family, there is no pairing up or partnership between the members. Be close to your family and the single parent are in complete control.

Close family ties s the greatest effect that can have a single parent on a child. The child and single parent have a very good, if not best, and a very open relationship.

They have a good line and no secrets be kept from each other. You share everything with each other which will lead to a harmonious relationship between parent and child.

So if you look at it, become large in view of the fact that your relationship as parent and child would be as good as a single parent. But as a single parent has also his errors. The difference can affect some not so good on your child.

Of course a normal family consists of mother, father and children. A single parent is a mother or a father missing. For this reason, it is no longer normal. And as you know, the company looks at everything that is not normal. The child could start feeling that he or she is different. And can some adverse psychological effects on the child.

Is an example that can reduce the feeling of the child when his or her colleagues tease him or her begin with only one parent. He or she might think that a parent is bad and the child of the blame on his or her parents stressed start. With the parent, the child will have a gap that will be very difficult to fill.

Another issue, as the effect of being a single parent of a child may arise is his lack of a father figure or a mother for him or her to either provide. The child might try for someone, who have never been there and it could be a cause for the child to sober.

The child could see also jealous completed other children with parents. The child can be disturbed as a result. The child might require for complete parents in some special cases typically two parents as father's day or mother's day look.

As a single parent have to answer the financial needs of your family. That is to say so, must work for you, to feed them. You can spend not really much time with your children, so that you can have a good life. They have really a hard time she teaching values, because you are not always at home.

Always remember that it is not a matter a single parent. It comes to how you spend the time and your children bring with them. And also, you how efficient one as a parent, or not.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Single Parenting, A New type of family

A family is said to be the foundation of the society. When you say a family, it must have a father, mother and their children.

How About Single Parenting? In this modern age, single parenting is now acceptable in our society. Single parenting is the term we used for a person building a family or raising a child without marriage or without the present of husband or wife.

Anyone can be a single parent depending upon the relationship you established with your partner. Single parenting is sometimes caused by divorce. Single parents are very common to western countries where divorce is legal. If the court finds the marriage unsuitable and no hope for reconciliation between the couple, the court has no choice but to grant the divorce.

Single parenting can be also caused by the death of the partner. They said that life is too short and no one knows your death. Single parents who are widow usually had a hard time of accepting their faith. Single parenting caused by death underwent to some stages like anger, denial, depression, bargaining, and the last is acceptance. These stages are also common to divorce single parents.

Single parenting caused by adoption of a child are widely accepted these days. Most single man and women believed that singleness are their destiny but most them are only caused by their pursued career and disregard the idea of being married and having their own children until they reach maturity and become a good provider. Single men and woman opt to adopt to feel more complete.

Single parents who have adopted usually feel that their life is incomplete without a child and only realizes the needs of it when they already feel the loneliness of being alone and money cannot fill-up their desire to have their own family even without a husband or wife. They have realized that success is no meaning if there is no one you can share with it. Single adoptive parenting is ideal also for those who are sterile people who are sure enough that can give and share their life to the children who needs loving and caring.

Single parenting can also be caused by early pregnancy. These kinds of single parents are very common to teenagers, who become rebellious from their parents. They felt neglected by their parents not only of their needs but their love and attention that they expected from them. Because of this feeling of being neglected, teenagers learn to find and look for someone who can fulfills their needs for love and affection that commonly resulted of early pregnancies from their boyfriends.

Single parenting caused by early pregnancy is very difficult to manage because what we can expect from teenagers are immaturity, inconsideration and unpreparedness to face the future. Because of immaturity, relationship of teenagers towards their partner usually ends early.

Single parenting which is caused by early pregnancy are committed by teenagers who are adventurous. They want to know everything and anything under the sun even it is far beyond the limit and their age. Being adventurous of teenagers can be good if they gain knowledge and experience from what they do but it can also harm them without them knowing. Teenagers who are adventurous of sex and relationships may result to early pregnancy that leads often to single parenthood. They even have no courage to make a background check of their partner.

How Society can help Single Parents? Single parenting is never easy. It drains the body of every single parent, working like a dog at work, running a household, provide their children of all their needs from food, shelter, education and medicine and clothing. It also drains their mind by thinking for the betterment of their child from their spiritual, emotional, social, physical and mental behavior.

Single parenting can change the totality of a person. Single parents should have a different method in molding the character of their child for they are prone from bullies and criticism from other people. Single parents should learn how to deal and cope to the moods of their child especially the single adoptive parents. Children of single adoptive parents are characterized as doubtful and sometimes you need to show them your sincerity of having them in your life.

Single parenting needs understanding and encouragement from the society. To be able to do this, people should learn to accept single parents as equal from the common idea of family life. They should help to shower and nurture love to their children. They should be able to think better ways of how to lessen the burdens of single parent.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Fakten über ledig Erziehungsberechtigte

Some facts about single parenting and ways to cope

As a single parent, is not an easy task. It is to do like two jobs in one session. Single parent you must be an understanding mother or a hard and a deployment of father all at the same time.

Stress and single parenting, single therefore works together, what a MOM and dad terrible headaches every day.

Stress and single parenting are the usual topics in self-help books in education. Psychologists believe that a very stressful job is children and only a child of a single parent element requires the ample emotional, behavioral, and spiritual aspect.

Without the proper guidance of self-help books, consultant, group therapy worsen emotional stress due to the single mother himself.

So, how can you manage stress and single parent? Psychologists say that in order for a parent to stress and single parenting he or she manage list things that brings him or her should the stressors.

Here are single parent in the United States some facts about:

–There are more or less 11.9 million single parents in the country

-84% of children grow life under a single parent with their mothers

-Unter percentage of households, two-parent drastically over the years is declining all ethnic groups

Furnace 28% of American children aged 18 years and below with a single parent life

-85% of custodial parents are mothers and fathers are only about 15 %

-53.7% of custodial single parents working full time jobs, while 30% Temps

59% Of single parents in the custody of their furnace have a kind of child, agreements with the other parent to support children

-The average household income for custodial parents is US$ 28,000

-The most single parents settings exist in peri-urban environments

If you are a single parent, you really need not be afraid. There are a lot ways you get support, both financially and emotionally.

The U.S. Government offers financial support for single-parent families, which have proven themselves, not enough support for their children. The law admits that single parents responsibility, which are much more complicated than families with two parents, the provision for financial support confronted, so.

In this way the Government part in reducing the burdens and hardships takes Alleinerziehende face every day. There are single parents not only in the challenging task of rearing their children despite the absence of a partner. The Government is there and very willing to help.

Internet sites such as and offer to meet other single parents also venues for single parents. They offer articles relevant for Alleinerziehende parents situations and forums for single parents, to discuss challenges, with which they and their children faced.

Advice of professionals can also make or a support system, which make it easier and more effective single parent. Because single parent is no ordinary parenting, the parent and the child must learn, that take less of the negative feeling.

Single parenting is a normal process today. Company is no longer in the direction of the parent and the child to judge. It can probably due immunity due to the rising number of single parents. As well, it can positively because you choose to be productive at least single parents.

Ethnic Single Parenting

Ethnically Speaking: The Trends In Single Parenting

Ethnic studies have discovered that 90% of single parents are women, while in 1995 32% of Black families are single parent households with dependent children. Only 8% of White families are single parent households and 7% in South Asian families.

Around half of Black women aged 30 and above are primary income generators in single parent households, while only one in ten among South Asian women have this scenario. Such figures indicate the sharp difference of Black and White single parent households.

Other ethnic studies of black and white women ages 15 and 44 found that family disruption is a major concern in future choices of children in terms of childbearing and marriage. An ethnic study conducted by Bumpass and McLanahan found that the daughters of single mothers have a:

- 53% chance of being married during their teen years

- 111% change of having teenage births

- 164% change of having premarital births

- 92% chance of experiencing their own marital-related problems.

The developing behavior of girls that grew up and having their father die early also leads to different effect.

- Black children are not significantly affected if their mother is widowed early in life.

- Parental family status does not have a considerable impact on whether white or black girls who grew up in families would get married again after getting divorced.

- The results show that when family background traits are kept constant.

Bumpass and McLanahan arrived on the conclusion that the finding give strong evidence that women who spend a portion of their livelihood in a single parent environment have a bigger chance of getting married and bearing children early, to have children out of wedlock and have major martial issues that will likely end in divorce.

Regardless of what ethnic group you are in, being a single parent is hard. Those coping with being a single parent normally feel the following: sadness, abandonment, confusion, guilt, fear of being alone, and anxiety. The following advises are crucial to help fight combat these feelings:

1) Forgive and forget – Letting go of unwanted feelings can make one feel happier and lighter. Holding on to anger provides more stress that letting go. Forgetting will make more bearable for you to move on and possibly develop a relationship, and preserving your relationship with your kids.

2) Maintain network and ties with your community – Having honorary uncles and aunts in the community develops camaraderie between the kid and the neighbourhood, and the parent and the neighbourhood. It also enables children better understand that creating relationships is an helpful way to forget the bad feelings that they felt during the divorce of their parents.

3) A sense of accomplishment – When a child is assigned with small tasks, a sense of accomplishment is normally felt. Since additional responsibilities have been given, a feeling of openness is added. This is due to the fact that a goal has been achieved to assist in the household. This makes the child feel that he is an integral member of the household.

4) Take responsibility – Before, the responsibility of caring for the family was shared between two individuals. Now, only one is tasked to provide for the whole family. Taking responsibility gives power to a single parent to be extra careful in making decision and managing the family. In addition, the parent can request assistance from the children on major decisions such as what items are essential in the grocery

5) Do not forget the old habits– Children need stability in their lives after a traumatic divorce. Rituals as going to dinner every Wednesday or the parent fetching the child from school every Friday should be kept. In this way, the child will feel that even if the parents are divorce, the good rituals are still there.

6) Different experience for the child - Since the child now shuttles between two separate parents, the child can further broaden his perception on how life should be tackled. The child is more receptive and aware to what goes around him, and accepts that the world is not perfect.

Monday, February 20, 2012

The Effects Of Single Parenting

Effects of Single Parenting: Coping With Reality

The number of single parents has increased over the last twenty years. The number of children who have been a product of single parents have continually grown as well. This is because the overall change in society has changed drastically over the past years.

How a person reacts to certain situations, and how one copes with change have affected decisions involving families today. Studies have shown that there are effects, whether positive or negative on being a single parent to children.

Conflicting studies have shown that there are positive and negative effects of single parenting. Some studies show that children who have been exposed to single parenting have lower self-esteem that that of shared parenting.

On the other hand, some studies show that single or shared parenting does not have any effect on the growth or well-being of a parent. How a parent deals with a child, and oneself can mold the dynamics of the family, which can lead to the emotional well-being of both the parent and the child.

If the single parent relationship between the parent and child is carefully managed, the following positive outcomes may be felt within the family:

1) Gradual lessening of tension- Prior to being a single parent, feelings of tension are present and are felt by the parents and children.

Oftentimes, the feelings of the child are not felt by both parents. When the situation is explained to the child, this can lead to a feeling of understanding on why the separation happened.

This understanding can help the child cope with the current situation, and thus gradually release tension towards the child’s parents, and to other people as well.

2) More time with each other- Tension felt during the discussions on separation and divorce lead to neglecting children. Screaming matches, and not speaking to each other are common feelings felt by children and the parent.

The effect of being a single parent thus gives more time to address the needs of children, and open communication channels between the two. Planning vacations, and bonding sessions with each other can be a result of this. More time would lead to a more relaxed family atmosphere.

3) Re-establishing ties with the community- Children and parents can work together, and can even establish relationships with the community because of this effect of single parenting.

Single parents can ask help from their neighbors regarding the care of their children, such as baby-sitting or helping out with household chores. This often leads to a positive feeling of involvement on both the parent and the child, and the neighborhood as well.

4) Out of the box experience to the child- Since the child now shuttles between two separate parents, the child can broaden his/her experiences pertaining to life. The child is more sensitive and aware to what goes around his/her life, and can feel that the world does not revolve around him.

5) A sense of accomplishment – When a child is designated with small responsibilities, a sense of accomplishment usually is felt. Since additional responsibilities have been added, a feeling of openness is added to the sense of accomplishment felt. This is because a feat has been done to help out in the household. This makes the child feel that he/she is an important member of the household.

6) Prioritizing to lead to work and life balance – Single parents need to learn the value of prioritizing. Sometimes, new tasks are needed to be able to look for new types of jobs to support the family.

Schedules, school and financial obligations need to be prioritized to be able to maintain work and life balance. Attaining work life balance is a continuous challenge to the parent, due to additional responsibilities of managing a family.

7) Active role in decision making – Children can play an active role in the decision making of single parents. Single parents need additional minds to think most especially in making major decisions.

Effects Of Single Parenting

Unveiling the Possible Effects of Single Parenting

Times are rapidly changing. The elderly always argue that the modern culture has forsaken and outgrown the values taught and instilled by old customs, beliefs and traditions.

Moralists and conservative people are almost always raising their brows and expressing disgust over how current belief and culture systems are evolving. What has been unacceptable in the old world is now becoming fast and rapidly rising trends.

Taboos and outcast-driving issues of yester years are now very common have set minds of people that they actually are just normal and acceptable.

The Child

Because single parenting or parenthood is somehow a choice and decision, taken by the parent, one voice is still unheard of. It is that of the child’s.

Psychologists and advocates argue and insist that single parenting has adverse mental, emotional and psychological effect to the child. Tests from time to time validate that premise.

Several studies have found that the child’s thinking and mental mind set is somehow altered or affected if that child was raised by a single parent.

Although single parents must be commended for raising a child alone, he or she should not be blamed for any mental or psychological result of the situation to the child, as psychological assert.

Tests and observations have consistently concluded and found that single parenting makes children more aggressive and rebellious. Experts say the behavior could be the outcome of the angst and humiliation the child experiences while growing.

Because traditional and normal families have two parents, the mom and the dad, jointly raising kids, single parenting somehow makes the child feel abnormal, different and unaccepted.

The society can sometimes be too cruel for such children, which can make things worse. Humiliation and awkward feeling of insecurity is dangerous if left untreated or undetected in the child. That child can take the burden for the rest of his or her life.

Single parents

One of the issues that were raising the ire of people decades and even centuries back is the issue of single parenting. A quick look at social philosophies link single parenting to adventurism and liberation of people.

The Catholic Church has always been the dominating mentor and guide of traditions, norms and living. The church is so adamant to advocate the sanctity of the sacrament of marriage of matrimony.

That is why the procreation outside wedlock is strictly considered a ground for excommunication. It is one of the greatest sins, according to the Catholic Church, to engage in pre-marital sex.

Single parenthood, in that sense, can be taken in as a punishment of some sorts, to the people who disobey the teachings of the church. But radical thinkers think otherwise. So, is it?

Single parenting is becoming a rapidly rising trend in the society. Studies in the US alone indicate that there are four single parents to every ten parents, there are two single parents for every 10 adults in the country.

Your great grandparents must be really turning up their graves of they could be able to hear such statistics. How times have changed!

Thus, single parents and their children both need professional help through counseling. Reasonable advise and guides should be given both to the child and the single parent to make sure both of them deal with past, present and future issues from single parenting.

Counseling from professionals can form or make up a support system that will make single parenting easier and more effective. Because single parenting is no ordinary parenting, the parent and the child must learn to accept the situation minus the negative feeling.

Nowadays, single parenting is becoming a normal occurrence. Society is not that judgmental anymore towards the single parent and the child. Probably, it can be because of the immunity due to the rising number of single parents. Anyway, it can be positive because at least, single parents choose to be productive.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Effects Of Single Parenting On Child

Effects of Single Parenting On A Child

Times have really changed. Old people always argue that the modern culture has forsaken and outgrouwn the values taught and instilled by old customs, beliefs and traditions.

Moralists and conservative people are almost always raising their brows and expressing disgust over how current belief and culture systems are evolving. What has been unacceptable in the old world is now becoming fast and rapidly rising trends.

Taboos and outcast-driving issues of yester years are now very common have set minds of people that they actually are just normal and acceptable.

Single parenting

One of the issues that were raising the ire of people decades and even centuries back is the issue of single parenting. A quick look at social philosophies link single parenting to adventurism and liberation of people.

The Catholic Church has always been the dominating mentor and guide of traditions, norms and living. The church is so adamant to advocate the sanctity of the sacrament of marriage of matrimony.

That is why the procreation outside wedlock is strictly considered a ground for excommunication. It is one of the greatest sins, according to the Catholic Church, to engage in pre-marital sex.

Single parenthood, in that sense, can be taken in as a punishment of some sorts, to the people who disobey the teachings of the church. But radical thinkers think otherwise. So, is it?

Single parenting is becoming a rapidly rising trend in the society. Studies in the US alone indicate that there are four single parents to every ten parents, there are two single parents for every 10 adults in the country.

Your great grandparents must be really turning up their graves of they could be able to hear such statistics. How times have changed!

The Child

Because single parenting or parenthood is somehow a choice and decision, taken by the parent, one voice is still unheard of. It is that of the child’s.

Psychologists and advocates argue and insist that single parenting has adverse mental, emotional and psychological effect to the child. Tests from time to time validate that premise.

Several studies have found that the child’s thinking and mental mind set is somehow altered or affected if that child was raised by a single parent.

Although single parents must be commended for raising a child alone, he or she should not be blamed for any mental or psychological result of the situation to the child, as psychological assert.

Tests and observations have consistently concluded and found that single parenting makes children more aggressive and rebellious. Experts say the behavior could be the outcome of the angst and humiliation the child experiences while growing.

Because traditional and normal families have two parents, the mom and the dad, jointly raising kids, single parenting somehow makes the child feel abnormal, different and unaccepted.

The society can sometimes be too cruel for such children, which can make things worse. Humiliation and awkward feeling of insecurity is dangerous if left untreated or undetected in the child. That child can take the burden for the rest of his or her life.

Thus, single parents and their children both need professional help through counseling. Reasonable advise and guides should be given both to the child and the single parent to make sure both of them deal with past, present and future issues from single parenting.

Counseling from professionals can form or make up a support system that will make single parenting easier and more effective. Because single parenting is no ordinary parenting, the parent and the child must learn to accept the situation minus the negative feeling.

Nowadays, single parenting is becoming a normal occurrence. Society is not that judgmental anymore towards the single parent and the child. Probably, it can be because of the immunity due to the rising number of single parents. Anyway, it can be positive because at least, single parents choose to be productive.

Auswirkungen der ledig Erziehungsberechtigte

Different effects of single parenting, children and single parents

What are the effects of single parenting to adults? Single parenting is a difficult and very difficult task. The single parent suffer the negative effects of many single.

Financial difficulties of the single parent belongs to the negative effects. This however will solve by looking for a job which can support you and child. Single parents can find also a job in their local communities that get can it do to the needs of their children.

Single parents should also learn, the cost for their daily expenses such as food, transportation, personal expenses and child costs. Single parents should learn to save, because they play two roles for their children as their time and energy.

Cost as buying food eat costs once a week with a list in hand to reduce impulse buying. Shopping eat alone to discount grocery stores as in convenient stores with high prices you can save some money. Plan your meals for a week. As much as possible, you use your electrical appliances efficiently.

Your personal and child costs can by exchanging or sharing with friends like babysitting, window wash your services and gardening are cut. You can also your talents such as writing, sewing and painting Exchange. You can cut also your child's hair themselves.

The single parent is the negative effects of isolation. You can overcome this by it support from your family, relatives and friends and also social groups in your community. Try to mix and to participate in your church activities and activities in the possession of your community.

The lack of support, one other negative effects of single parenting, by establishing a connection and communication can be remedied with the people around you. Communication is important to understand their situation and support of them for every single parent.

Emotional stress, also one of the negative effects of single parenting can be conquered, by you go on an emotion process with the help of a professional. This emotional process management of emotions of anger, denial, bargaining, depression, and until you reach acceptance.

What are the effects of single parenting for children?

The single parent suffer the negative effects not only adults. Children are in fact, most of it. Children are raised with this kind of education are at risk due to high stress behavior and emotional distress.

You can have also a hard time to adapt to their current situation of a divorce or death of one of their parents. Children are sometimes confused, lonely, anxious, sad, and angry.

The single parent is there a solution to the negative effects. If single parents have only an open mind, they will understand that children need to understand care and enough love and the negative effects of single parenting to the fight.

As to the negative effects reduce single parent?

Healing your child from the negative effects of single parenting can be started by you is your child in different activities that they love. Sports are good examples of activities that can help single parents and their children forget the hardships or traumatic experiences that have gone through.

Let your child know what really with your relationship for married couples who are planning for a divorce. Talk with your child and assure them that they not the reason for the divorce.

The negative effects of single parent to reduce, must talk about single parents with their children. Always. Let her feel fast about the divorce, moving and changing schools. Let your children know that whatever happens, the marriage, still love you. Parents, as far as possible, must the difference amicably settle, so that their children easily can adapt to the situation and the voltage to reduce on their part.

Children need a loving, supporting, and healthy environment for better emotional growth, security and psychological development. Any kind of family you have, will children grow fine men or women, even if they are a single parent. It is the single parent, how her child in a loving and respectful person to fire.

Folgen der ledig Erziehungsberechtigte

Folgen der ledig Erziehungsberechtigte

Es gibt eine Menge der Folgen als ein ledig Erziehungsberechtigte. Es ist nicht so einfach wie jeder vorstellt. Es gibt so viele Fragen im Zusammenhang mit einem alleinerziehenden Elternteil. Einige sind gut, aber einige sind sehr schlecht. In alles, was Sie tun, gibt es Konsequenzen. Und da wird ein ledig Erziehungsberechtigte eine Anomalie ist, Gesellschaft hält ein wachsames Auge auf alles, was Sie tun.

Sie haben immer Ihre Aktionen zu sehen, so dass es keine abschreckende Wirkung auf Ihre Kinder haben wird. Sie haben auch eine offene Kommunikation mit Ihren Kindern haben, so dass Sie immer wissen was in ihrem Kopf Roaming ist haben.

Da als ein ledig Erziehungsberechtigte Klatsch anfällig ist, müssen wir immer wissen, was um uns herum geschieht, so dass es nicht unsere Kinder beeinträchtigen würde. Die größte Folge des Seins ein ledig Erziehungsberechtigte ist wahrscheinlich seine Wirkung auf des Kinds ansehen und Emotionen.

In einem schwachen Fundament könnte das Kind mit einem alleinerziehenden Elternteil seine oder ihre mit anderen Kindern Unterschied. Wenn nicht richtig darüber gesprochen, er oder sie könnte anfangen zu denken, dass er oder sie anders ist und kann es ein Grund für ihn oder sie gestört werden. Als Eltern müssen Sie Ihr Kind erinnern immer, dass er oder sie nicht von anderen unterscheidet. Er oder sie ist immer noch ein normales Kind, wie jeder andere.

Der Großteil der Verantwortung wird meist zum übergeordneten Element ausgelöst. Und ehrlich gesagt, es ist wirklich der Eltern Verantwortung besonders in frühen Jahren Ihren Sohn und Tochter. Sie sollten immer daran erinnern, Ihr Kind über seinen Status, und daß es sollte keine Auswirkungen auf ihn oder sie als Person.

Als Eltern müssen Sie wirklich sein Hands-on mit wie Sie sich um Ihre Kinder kümmern. Es ist ein muss, dass Ihre Anwesenheit immer empfunden wird. Dass Sie immer dort sind, um Ihr Kind zu führen. Es ist wichtig und ein muss, dass Sie effizient Ihre Aufgaben und Pflichten als Eltern durchführen.

Alleinerziehende müssen wirklich nahe sein oder ihr Kind sein. Wenn Sie konzentrieren sich mehr auf Arbeit und keine Zeit für Ihre Kinder zu verlassen, könnte es eine Lücke auf Ihre Beziehung und Sie und Ihr Kind werden nicht enge.

Sie sollten auch Ihre Liebe zu Ihren Kindern zeigen, denn sie Zuneigung fehlt. Da Sie ein ledig Erziehungsberechtigte sind, sollte Ihnen sehr viel mehr Liebe, wie Sie in den Schuhen eine Mama und ein Papa füllen.

Aber das ist nicht so einfach, wie es klingt, weil Sie der einzige sind, die macht es Arbeit für Sie und Ihre Familie. Natürlich können Sie es nicht selbst. Alleinerziehende sind keine Superhelden, aber sie sind nahe daran.

Zeit ist der größte Feind der Alleinerziehende. Und aus diesem Grund hat die größte Folge davon keine Zeit mit Ihren Kindern zu verbringen. Infolgedessen können Sie nicht nahe ihm sein. Ein anderes ist wegen des Mangels an eine übergeordnete Figur im Inneren des Hauses, wenn Sie nicht da sind, die Kinder möglicherweise fehlt den Wert, den Eltern zu unterrichten.

Auch, möglicherweise wegen Ihrer Abwesenheit, die Kinder nicht Ihre Behörde als Eltern respektieren. Und manchmal, wegen der Arbeit, Sie könnten nicht um bei besonderen Anlässen, wie kid's Geburtstag, PTA Sitzungen, Erwägungsgrund des Kindes und das andere Kind von Ereignissen, die die Anwesenheit eines Elternteils verlangen. Da Sie sind, die nur arbeiten mit keine Unterstützung, Sie möglicherweise nicht in der Lage, diese zu besuchen und können Probleme verursachen.

Ein Kind erfordert eine Menge Arbeit, und wenn Sie nicht, um Notwendigkeiten Ihres Kindes teilnehmen können dann er oder sie möglicherweise Blick für jemand anderen. Ihr Kind möglicherweise anfällig für Drogen und anderen schlechten Taten wegen des Mangels an Präsenz und Aufmerksamkeit im Inneren des Hauses. Das Kind könnte sogar vergessen, dass er oder sie noch ein Elternteil hat.

Sie dürfen nicht vergessen, dass es nicht wie lange Sie Ihre Zeit mit Ihren Kindern verbringen; Es ist wie Sie wertvolle Zeit mit Ihren Kindern verbringen. Auch wenn Sie müde von der Arbeit sind, müssen Sie ihnen Ihre Liebe fühlen lassen. Sie können nicht immer physisch anwesend sein, aber was wichtig ist, dass wir in der Werte und Disziplin zu vermitteln, so dass sie in der Lage, die Welt mit dem Elternteil auf das Kind Verstand gegenüberzustellen wäre.

Das wichtigste ist, dass sie die Situation verstehen und respektieren Sie für was Sie sind und nicht, wer Sie nicht sind.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Challenges Of Single Parenting

Challenges Of Single Parenting

One of the hardest issues to survive in, as a single parent, is an overwhelming emotion that you should complete the role of both mother and father. This feeling evolves and will be more intense if the other single parent is not portraying a role that is active with the children.

You would probably fight this feeling often in two ways. Either you try to compensate by being both the mom or dad or you get on one of those wild life hunting explorations to search for a partner to fill in the other role. May I tell you a piece of advice? Neither one of these options will work. It is easier to say it than to do it.

Single parents always bring this feeling of guilt for the reason that their children do not obtain the love and care they could be getting from another parent. So what are you supposed to do? It is a very difficult situation.

For example, you are a single father with three children. This gets even more complicated if two out of the three are girls and you will have to choose between being a mom or to hunt for the mom to be able to have a better orientation for your daughters.

You would most probably go on an exploration to fill the second. Not a year has passed and you would probably go back to being a single parent.

As mentioned, this is never the answer. The lesson on that example is that you cannot replace the mom or the dad. Of course, this does not mean that it is impossible to find people who are ready to be a huge portion of both yours and your children’s life. What is really meant is that this should not be the reason of the relationship you from.

Instead of feeling that you need to replace your wife or your husband for your kids, why don’t you focus on what you need to provide or give to them? Being a single parent is not a reason for you to feel guilty. You should rather be proud that your sons and daughters have you.

This article is written to help you, single parents, realize that your children love you and if you are going to find another spouse or feel guilty, you are not going anywhere. Yo have to comprehend that single parents do not have to have a mate to make your kids glad.

If you are a single parent, then you are probably strongly thinking that you should fill both roles. This is empowered by the feeling of guilt for fitting our children in difficult positions. You have to get over this and recover as fast as you could.

You are only human; you are not a super hero. You cannot do everything by yourself and you should never feel that you are second best just because of this.

Your children do not all the time give a helping hand either. Children are not evil, crazy or anything of that kind, they are just being what they are, kids. It is what kids always do, and it turns out that it really works well for them. You need to adapt to working with your kids with your own provisions and not feel lower than appropriate for the reason that you cannot do something.

In total, you gain the respect of your kids if you follow what this article just said. No matter how much and how well you try, you surely cannot be both your children’s mom and dad. So take this as an advice, quit trying.

You do not need to be fit and lean to make your kids love and appreciate you. They love you just the way you are. You should even appreciate yourself first in order to make your children and others appreciate you. You should know that parenting exercise is different.

Hmmm… You are most probably thinking that being a single parent drains your energy and will not let you have time for yourself. Well, tell you what, it does not. It helps you become stronger and it makes you appreciate yourself because of what you do.


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Perawatan Kulit wajah lbc Perawatan Kulit wajah menua Perawatan Kulit wajah murah Perawatan Kulit wajah mustika ratu Perawatan Kulit wajah orang jepang Perawatan Kulit wajah orang Korea Perawatan Kulit wajah revlon Perawatan Kulit wajah saat hamil Perawatan Kulit wajah Sehat Perawatan Kulit wajah sensitif Perawatan Kulit wajah sensitif dan kering Perawatan Kulit wajah setelah melahirkan Perawatan Kulit wajah terbaik di bandung Perawatan Kulit wajah terbaik di indonesia Perawatan Kulit wajah tidak bermasalah Perawatan Kulit wajah untuk Pria Perawatan Kulit wajah usia 35 Perawatan Kulit wajah wardah Perawatan Kulit wajah yang Alami Perawatan Kulit wajah yang baik Perawatan Kulit wajah yang kering Perawatan Kulit wajah yang sangat kering Perawatan Kulit wajah yang Sehat Perawatan Kulit wajah yang sensitif Pergerakan Nasional Perlawanan Imperialisme Phone pilpres Place Playback Playbook player Player Plight Politik Portable Pouch Power Prasejarah Prasejarah Indonesia Premium Previous Print produk keSehatan Kulit manggis produk Memutihkan Ketiak yang Hitam produk Pemutih Ketiak di malaysia produk Pemutih Ketiak paling ampuh produk Pemutih Selangkangan terbaik Programs Protector Protectors Psychological Puisi Purple Putihkan Ketiak Putihkan Ketiak Alami Putihkan Ketiak dalam seminggu Putihkan Ketiak Dan celah paha Putihkan Ketiak Dan Selangkangan Putihkan Ketiak Dengan bahan Alami Putihkan Ketiak Dengan Baking Soda Putihkan Ketiak Dengan Cepat Putihkan Ketiak Dengan garam Putihkan Ketiak Dengan jeruk nipis Putihkan Ketiak Dengan kapur Putihkan Ketiak Dengan kapur sirih Putihkan Ketiak Dengan kentang Putihkan Ketiak Dengan kunyit Putihkan Ketiak Dengan lidah buaya Putihkan Ketiak Dengan minyak zaitun Putihkan Ketiak Dengan Pasta Gigi Putihkan Ketiak Dengan Soda bikarbonat Putihkan Ketiak Dengan Soda kue Putihkan Ketiak Dengan susu cair Putihkan Ketiak guna tawas Putihkan Ketiak Hitam Putihkan Ketiak Secara Alami Putihkan Kulit Dengan Baking Soda Putihkan Kulit Ketiak Putihkan Selangkangan Putihkan Selangkangan Dengan jeruk nipis Putihkan Selangkangan Hitam Questions Quotes Cantik Tanpa Make Up rahasia Kulit Cantik Sehat rahasia Kulit Sehat Korea rahasia Kulit Sehat orang Korea Raising ramuan keSehatan Kulit Range Rapids Rates Reader Rechargeable Reformasi Regarding Relationships Relationships: Remote Renaissance Resep Kulit Sehat Resep Kulit Sehat Alami Resep Kulit Sehat dan Cantik Retail Revolusi Dunia Barat Revolusi Kemerdekaan Right RPHJE120K rubrik keSehatan Kulit Samsung Sandisk SanDisk SANOXY Sansa Sastra Scholarship Scholarships Screen Screensavers SDSDQ8192 Sejarah Amerika Sejarah diplomasi Sejarah Dunia sejarah ekonomi Sejarah Indonesia Sejarah Islam Sejarah Peradaban Kuno Self-Regulation Shape shuffle Shuffle silicone Silicone simmons Beauty Sleep natural crib mattress Single Singles slots Smartphones SnapOn solusi Kulit Sehat Sosial Budaya South SPARK Speaker Special Sponsored Stand Stereo Stitch Stitchway Strap Stress Stylus supaya Kulit kepala Sehat supaya Kulit Sehat suplemen Kulit Sehat Tablet tawas Putihkan Ketiak tentang keSehatan Kulit wajah Theories Tips Agar Kulit kepala Sehat Tips Agar Kulit Sehat Alami Tips keSehatan Kulit dengan lidah buaya Tips keSehatan Kulit remaja Tips Kulit Cantik seCara Alami Tips Kulit putih Cantik Alami Tips Kulit putih Sehat Alami Tips Kulit Sehat Alami Tips Kulit Sehat bersinar Tips Kulit Sehat cerah Tips Kulit Sehat cerah Alami Tips Kulit Sehat dan halus Tips Kulit Sehat seCara Alami Tips Kulit wajah Cantik Alami Tips Kulit wajah Sehat Tips Kulit wajah Sehat dan bersih Tips Kulit wajah Sehat dan Cantik Tips Putihkan Ketiak Hitam Tips Putihkan Ketiak Secara Alami Tokoh touch Touch Tours Traffic transmitter Transmitter Transparent Travel Traveling Truths UltraPower Understanding Universal Updates Vacation Velcro Version video Video Waterproof White WHITE WhiteGrey Wireless Works Wrist XtremeXplosivs yoga keSehatan Kulit Zebra