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Saturday, May 8, 2021
Macam-Macam Interaksi Sosial
Interaksi sosial mempunyai berbagai macam dan bentuk, antara lain:
- Interaksi antara individu dengan individu. Contoh: interaksi jualbeli
- Interaksi antara individu dengan kelompok. Contoh: proses belajar mengajar
- Interaksi antara kelompok dengan kelompok. Contoh: diskusikelompok
Bentuk-Bentuk Interaksi Sosial Asosiatif
- Kerja Sama (Cooperation), adalah suatu usaha bersama antar individu atau kelompok untuk mencapai tujuan bersama.
- Akomodasi (Accomodation), adalah proses penyesuaian sosial dalam interaksi antarindividu dan antarkelompok untuk meredakan pertentangan.
- Asimilasi (Assimilation), adalah proses ke arah peleburan kebudayaan sehingga setiap pihak dapat merasakan kebudayaan tunggal sebagai milik bersama.
- Akulturasi (Acculturation), adalah proses yang timbul dari suatu kebudayaan untuk menerima unsur budaya asing tanpa menyebabkan kebribadian budaya sendiri hilang.
Bentuk-Bentuk Interaksi Sosial Disosiatif
- Persaingan (Competition), adalah suatu perjuangan dari berbagai pihak yang lomba-lomba untuk mencapai suatu tujuan yang sama.
- Kontraversi, adalah suatu bentuk proses sosial yang menunjukkan ketidaksenangan atau ketidakpuasan terhadap pihak lain baik secara sembunyi atau terang-terangan.
- Pertentangan/Konflik Sosial, adalah proses sosial antarperorangan atau kelompok masyarakat tertentu akibat adanya perbedaan paham dan kepentingan yang sangat mendasar sehingga menimbulkan adanya semacam jurang pemisah antara mereka.
Top Fantastic Benefits of CSPO® Certification
CSPO Course
CSPO®, which stands for Certified Scrum Product Owner®, is a certification from Scrum Alliance. This certification validates the knowledge of professionals in Scrum. It is a globally recognized certification for professionals who are interested in learning how to maximize the business value of the product that is being developed by the development team.
Many companies have adopted an Agile environment as it has shown immense benefits in the software market. In turn, job opportunities for IT professionals as Scrum Product Owners have also increased. A product owner is responsible for increasing their organization’s business as well as managing the product backlog. The other responsibilities of a product owner include release planning, defining the product vision, refining product backlog, budget management, working with users, customers and stakeholders, collaborating with the team, and attending Scrum events.
To be well versed in these skills, professionals need to pursue a CSPO course and acquire the CSPO certification. There are various other benefits of CSPO training and certification, including –
Suggested article: CSPO® Certification | Certified Scrum Product Owner Training
Recognition as Professional Manager of Product Backlog – A professional who has acquired CSPO certification would be responsible for defining product backlog, which is a kind of to-do list for the development team. It needs to be defined in such a manner that all features are understood by the development team clearly and can function efficiently. With CSPO training, professionals can learn from real-time examples of how to define product backlogs. With CSPO certification, they can learn the basics related to a product owner’s role and responsibilities and become a product owner.Any candidate can pursue it – To acquire a CSPO certification, there aren’t any prerequisites. Any individual who wants to increase their knowledge as well as brand value in the industry and stand out among their peers can get CSPO training and acquire the certification. With this certificate, they can get better job opportunities as well as a higher salary as compared to their non-certified competitors.Learn the basics – The CSPO course doesn’t have any prerequisites hence individuals would learn everything from scratch. They would learn about all Scrum concepts as well as the practical skills that are needed to become a Scrum professional. Apart from this, the Agile Manifesto and its impact on the Scrum Framework are also covered in CSPO training.Better job opportunities – Having a CSPO certification validates that an individual is a Certified Scrum Product Owner and has the skills and knowledge required to perform the roles and responsibilities of a Product Owner. It also makes their resume stand out among others and they become attractive to potential employers.Advanced certifications – CSPO certified professionals can pursue advanced certifications as CSPO is a foundation-level course and acts as the first step to become a reputed Scrum professional.Networking – Professionals who have acquired the CSPO certification also receive a two-year membership of Scrum Alliance, the globally reputed body that awards this certification. With this membership, individuals can connect with other Scrum professionals all over the world and increase their knowledge. They can also be updated with the latest happenings in Scrum.
Suggested article: CSPO Training in Delhi | CSPO Classes in Delhi
The opportunities for a Certified Scrum Product Owner are high in the current market and there are various benefits of pursuing the CSPO certification. If you are looking to begin your career as a product owner, you should pursue CSPO training.
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Faktor Pendorong dan Penghambat Terjadinya Interaksi Sosial
Faktor yang mendorong terjadinya hubungan sosial
- Imitasi, yaitu tindakan seseorang untuk meniru orang lain.
- Sugesti, yaitu rangsangan yang ditujukan kepada orang lain hingga orang yang dipengaruhi menuruti apa yang disugestikannya.
- Identifikasi, yaitu upaya yang dilakukan seseorang untuk menjadi sama (identik) dengan orang yang ditiru.
- Motivasi, yaitu doronganyang diberikan seseorang kepada orang lain yang bersifat positif.
- Simpati, yaitu proses kejiwaan, seseorang yang merasa tertarik kepada orang atau kelompok lain, karena penampilan atau kewibawaannya.
- Empati, yaitu hampir sama dengan simpati, namun lebih cenderung diwujudkan
Faktor yang merusak terjadinya hubungan sosial
- Persaingan, yaitu usaha untuk menjatuhkan orang lain
- Konflik, yaitu suatu pertikaian yang membuat pertentangan atara dua belah pihak atau lebih
- Stereotip, yaitu kecurigaan atau prasangka terhadap orang lain
- Apatis, yaitu rasa tidak peduli akan suatu hal
- Anti Sosial, yaitu sikap yang berusaha menjauh pada kelompok sosial tertentu
- Individualisme, yaitu suatu paham yang mengedepankan kepentingan pribadi diatas kepentingan apapun.
Proses Terjadinya Interaksi Sosial
Kontak sosial adalah awal terjadinya hubungan sosial baik dilakukan secara eksklusif ataupun nir. Kemudian dilanjutkan menggunakan adanya komunikasi adanya konvensi bahasa/simbol-simbol yg dipakai, sehingga akan terjadi hubungan timbal kembali dan saling mensugesti.